Vertical living
Vertical living - a spiritual teaching
The vertical is the eternal now, the consciousness itself, it is also life as it is. In the vertical we are not only human but we realise ourselves as being. We become a human being. As we are, we generally are slaves to our human side, the thinking mind is running us and most people filter everything through it. We have lost the ability to experience life directly. The inner dialogue, the compulsive thinking keeps us living a diluted life, a horizontal life.
The teaching of Vertical living attempts to help people live a more balanced life. We become aware of the areas in life where we lose energy and inner connection and learns to relate from the heart and consciousness itself, in the living now.
One needs to breath in order to be. Then breath is being and being is existence, aware and present. In being, life is creating itself. That creation comes from Love, the bridge from unmanifested to manifestation. We invite you to breath and be. Not yesterday, not tomorrow but in the most amazing space there is. In the now we can learn together to cross the bridge and look deeply into the mysteries of being.
Who am I? What am I? The answers are present and alive right now. Remove the veil and look. Welcome!
Gabriela David
is born in Romania, has a master degree in physics from Iasi University and a bachelor degree in nursing, Copenhagen, Denmark. She has been working with yoga since 1991, teaching in Copenhagen (NATHA yoga school), Helsinki, Finland and Rishikesh (India).
"If I would have to write about who I really am, there would be three dots and the following silence... There is a deep Gratitude for the amazing teachers and masters who guided me on the path, who made me come to the understanding that the voice inside the head entertaining, complaining, fixing and never content is not what I am. That is the monkey mind and that naturally surrender when the truth of who I AM is recognized. I would like to mention Swami Vivekananda (Narcis Tarcau the founder of both NATHA Yoga School in Copenhagen and the AGAMA school in Thailand, my beloved KRIYA YOGA Master , Swami Shankarananda Giri from which I took initiation in 1996, Noel Boyd (a teacher from the line of Ramana Maharishi), Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Charles Berner and my beloved partner Har Deva, all of them contributing in lightning the path."
is born in Romania, has a master degree in physics from Iasi University and a bachelor degree in nursing, Copenhagen, Denmark. She has been working with yoga since 1991, teaching in Copenhagen (NATHA yoga school), Helsinki, Finland and Rishikesh (India).
"If I would have to write about who I really am, there would be three dots and the following silence... There is a deep Gratitude for the amazing teachers and masters who guided me on the path, who made me come to the understanding that the voice inside the head entertaining, complaining, fixing and never content is not what I am. That is the monkey mind and that naturally surrender when the truth of who I AM is recognized. I would like to mention Swami Vivekananda (Narcis Tarcau the founder of both NATHA Yoga School in Copenhagen and the AGAMA school in Thailand, my beloved KRIYA YOGA Master , Swami Shankarananda Giri from which I took initiation in 1996, Noel Boyd (a teacher from the line of Ramana Maharishi), Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Charles Berner and my beloved partner Har Deva, all of them contributing in lightning the path."
Hari Deva
In 1976 the inner quest took him to yoga and meditation, after a year as a full time yogi he went to Pune in India where he became a disciple of Osho Rajneesh. In the years to come he has had many beautiful meetings and teachings from other Masters and teachers but Osho has always remained the one. Self inquiry become his major path in 1977 when he participated in his first enlightenment intensive. In 1981 he did a training with Yogeswar Muni ( Charles Berner) - the Founder of Enlightenment intensive, from there on he regularly started to give intensives. He is trained in different therapeutic methods like Bioenergetics, Osho therapy, Rebirthing, The Work by Byron katie, KBT ( cognitive behaviour therapy). He is a kundalini yoga teacher, Oneness trainer and a co -Founder and former co-owner of "Ängsbacka" the biggest growth center in Sweden, world wide famous for the yearly international No mind festival which Hari co-created and hosted for 12 years.
In 1976 the inner quest took him to yoga and meditation, after a year as a full time yogi he went to Pune in India where he became a disciple of Osho Rajneesh. In the years to come he has had many beautiful meetings and teachings from other Masters and teachers but Osho has always remained the one. Self inquiry become his major path in 1977 when he participated in his first enlightenment intensive. In 1981 he did a training with Yogeswar Muni ( Charles Berner) - the Founder of Enlightenment intensive, from there on he regularly started to give intensives. He is trained in different therapeutic methods like Bioenergetics, Osho therapy, Rebirthing, The Work by Byron katie, KBT ( cognitive behaviour therapy). He is a kundalini yoga teacher, Oneness trainer and a co -Founder and former co-owner of "Ängsbacka" the biggest growth center in Sweden, world wide famous for the yearly international No mind festival which Hari co-created and hosted for 12 years.