"The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centres (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment." - Param
WELCOME TO Inner Freedom Retreat
Lectures - The Initiation to the Kriya Yoga - Practise - Guided meditations -Hatha yoga -Selfinquiry dyads- sharing
For anyone who is interested in learning meditation.
The requirements:
That you are not suffering from or have a history of mental disorders.
That you are not on medication for mental disorders.
If you suffer from medical problems that can be of a hindrance make sure to communicate to us as you sign up.
Date: 25th - 29th of September
Location: Vila Matei - Herculane, Romania
Cost: 350 Euro all incl (exclusive travel expenses)
If you are interested of this event please contact Gabriela for further info: tlf 079-3491679 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.